Brooke of Life - Before and After School Care that is Making a Difference
What We Offer:
• Affordable Convenient Before and After School Care for Newman Students
• Daily Devotionals
• Homework Time and Help
• Enrichment Programs such as music, drama, self defense, art
• Praise and Worship
• Afternoon Meals/Snacks
• A Safe Haven
Brooke of Life is located inside the Newman campuses to serve Newman families.
Upon Newman's request to serve its families with quality and safe before school and after school care, BOL has been serving in Newman locations for the last 10 years for nominal/subsidized fees.
We are a separate, nonprofit Christian Organization dedicated to teaching and showing the love of God through daily devotions, games, and enrichment programs. Enrichment classes such as self-defense, robotics, cooking, chess, soccer and basketball are an additional fee for a weekly class.
The students who are registered with Brooke of Life are picked up at dismissal time, then allowed to have a short play time, snack, and devotion time wherein a specific Bible verse is reviewed for the week.
Afterwards, students may have homework time, arts and crafts, activities or the opportunity to participate in an enrichment class, depending on availability of teachers at that specific campus.
Our campuses that offer Pre-K for Newman students offer a half day program through Brooke of Life to provide a place for them to come and be picked up at dismissal time with their siblings or stay through the afternoon until our closing time.
Brooke of Life is a convenient, caring, Christian place for your children to come before and after school. BOL offers care at an affordable rate for working parents or guardians on school days.
We hope to have your child join us!
Please visit the BOL website, call, or email to see current rates, locations, and times. (